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Home » 복싱 스타 버그 판 | 복싱스타 (Boxing Star) – 회피빌런의 최후 (Evasive Rate Of 100%) 상위 142개 베스트 답변

복싱 스타 버그 판 | 복싱스타 (Boxing Star) – 회피빌런의 최후 (Evasive Rate Of 100%) 상위 142개 베스트 답변

당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “복싱 스타 버그 판 – 복싱스타 (Boxing Star) – 회피빌런의 최후 (evasive rate of 100%)“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 럭키핸냄 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 8,128회 및 좋아요 68개 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.

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여기에서 이 주제에 대한 비디오를 시청하십시오. 주의 깊게 살펴보고 읽고 있는 내용에 대한 피드백을 제공하세요!

d여기에서 복싱스타 (Boxing Star) – 회피빌런의 최후 (evasive rate of 100%) – 복싱 스타 버그 판 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

회피율이 높으면 독이 될수도 있습니다.
High evasion ratings are not necessarily good

회피작업은 적당히 ^오^

복싱 스타 버그 판 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

복싱스타(Boxing Star) 4.1.2 +데이터 – 2022 버그판 apk

모바일 복싱게임을 한 방에 뒤흔들었다! 통쾌한 타격감부터 유쾌한 캐릭터 그리고 캐주얼한 그래픽까지! 쾌감 폭발 복싱스타!

+ 여기에 보기


Date Published: 11/8/2022

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Boxing Star MOD APK 4.1.2 (Unlimited Money) – APKdone

Boxing Stars also supports online fighting. Players can interact with other players around the world. Therefore, this game will never be repetitive.

+ 더 읽기


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복싱 스타 [2.8.1] APK (Mod Money) free for Android

어떤 새로운 기능은 무엇입니까? • 버그 수정 및 안정화. techreal247.com에서 Andro 용 무료 복싱 스타 APK (Mod Money) 다운로드. 가입 …

+ 더 읽기


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[토리버그]Boxing Star V1.9.1 MOD apk 복싱스타 버그판

모바일 복싱게임을 한 방에 뒤흔들었다! 통쾌한 타격감부터 유쾌한 캐릭터 그리고 캐주얼한 그래픽까지! 쾌감 폭발 복싱스타!

+ 여기에 보기


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복싱 스타 [v.3.4.1] APK MOD 안드로이드 무료 다운로드

복싱 스타의 새로운 기능 [3.4.1]. -버그 수정 및 안정화. -1.7.3 년 08 월 19 일에 Boxing Star 2019 버전으로 업데이트 한 사용자는 이후에 Boxing Star 앱을 …

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복싱 스타 모드 APK (많은 돈) v2.1.3

거리를 오르고 가장 서사적 인 권투 스타가 되십시오! … 복싱 세계의 모든 엉뚱하고 야생 캐릭터를 만나고 친구를 사귀십시오! … 버그 수정 및 안정화 …

+ 여기에 자세히 보기


Date Published: 9/13/2021

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Boxing Star Mod APK 4.1.2 (Unlimited Money & Gold)

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Boxing Star Mod Apk v4.1.2 (Unlimited Money) – Thinkkers

Download Boxing Star Mod Apk 2022 and get Unlimited Money + Unlimited Gold + One Hit Kill and many other hacked features for free.

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Boxing Star 안드로이드 – Apk 다운로드

다운로드 Boxing Star Apk 안드로이드. 유쾌한 한판! 통쾌한 한 방! 글로벌하게 놀자! ☆복싱스타.

+ 여기에 표시


Date Published: 4/3/2021

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Boxing Star 4.1.2 APK + OBB – APKSOS.COM Apps Games

Download Boxing Star 4.1.2 APK + OBB for Andro –, Created by FourThirtyThree Inc. in Sports.

+ 여기에 보기


Date Published: 11/28/2021

View: 7713

주제와 관련된 이미지 복싱 스타 버그 판

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 복싱스타 (Boxing Star) – 회피빌런의 최후 (evasive rate of 100%). 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

복싱스타 (Boxing Star) - 회피빌런의 최후 (evasive rate of 100%)
복싱스타 (Boxing Star) – 회피빌런의 최후 (evasive rate of 100%)

주제에 대한 기사 평가 복싱 스타 버그 판

  • Author: 럭키핸냄
  • Views: 조회수 8,128회
  • Likes: 좋아요 68개
  • Date Published: 2019. 10. 1.
  • Video Url link:

복싱스타(Boxing Star) 4.1.2 +데이터

복싱스타(Boxing Star) 에 대한 설명

모바일 복싱게임을 한 방에 뒤흔들었다!

통쾌한 타격감부터 유쾌한 캐릭터 그리고 캐주얼한 그래픽까지!

쾌감 폭발 복싱스타! 펀치 한 방으로 세계 최고 복싱스타가 되어 보세요!

#뒷골목 파이터에서 세계 챔피언으로 성장하는 스토리

아마추어 파이터에서부터 세계 최고 복싱스타가 되기까지

그 유쾌한 스토리를 함께 즐겨보세요!

#손끝에서 터지는 통쾌한 타격감!

날카로운 공격은 피하고 완벽한 찬스에서 날리는 카운터 펀치

그 통쾌한 타격감을 온몸으로 느껴보세요!

#스웩이 느껴지는 유쾌하고 캐주얼한 그래픽!

복싱스타만의 스웩 넘치는 그래픽 스타일

유머러스한 캐릭터들과 함께 유쾌함을 나눠보세요!

#승리를 위한 나만의 스킬트리!

최고의 스킬 조합을 찾아 만드는 나만의 펀치 전략

전략적인 스킬로 진정한 복싱스타가 되세요!

#전세계 유저들과 순위를 다투는 리그!

전세계 유저들과의 경쟁

리그에서 세계 최고 챔피언이 되어보세요!

#모두의 부러움을 살 만한 럭셔리 아이템 수집!

초호화 저택과 최신형 스포츠카까지

복싱 챔피언이 되어 럭셔리 아이템들을 수집해보세요!

자! 이제 세상에 한 방 날릴 준비 되셨나요?

복싱스타에 대해 더 알고 싶다면?


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복싱스타(Boxing Star) 설치 방법

다운로 한 APK 파일 설치 “”폴더를 추하여 “Android / Obb /”에 복사합 앱을 시작 기세요


• 서비스 안정화

복싱스타(Boxing Star) 다운로드


apk 다운로드 – 91 MB

Boxing Star MOD APK 4.1.2 (Unlimited Money) for Android

Hello all friends! Welcome back. Today, I will bring to you an interesting game. To be honest, when I was young, I always wanted to become a professional boxing champion. And this game has reminded me of those precious memories. No more words let me explore this application now.


If you are here to look for stressful challenges, congratulations, you have come to the right place! Sit down and let me introduce you to a game that will definitely inspire enthusiasm. That is Boxing Star – boxing game for sports enthusiasts!

I also just discovered and downloaded this app in the last few days. But surprisingly I was extremely addicted to it. Boxing Stars is a mobile game by sport category. FourThirty Three is the developer of this game.

Although it was released a long time ago – 2018, it is undeniable that graphics, gameplay, everything is still very good! I am sure that the outstanding 3D graphics and engaging gameplay of this game will not disappoint you.

If you are interested in Boxing Stars, please continue to accompany me. Be energetic, buddies!


No longer a distant dream, Boxing Stars will help you fulfil your desires. It will be a long journey, from a street fighter to a world leader. Game modes in this game are diverse. It is not just about defeating your opponent and levelling up. Boxing Stars also has different game modes such as Story mode, League mode to fight directly with other boxers.

The most important task in the game is to train your character so it becomes the strongest in the tournament. In addition, FourThirty Three also equips defences by dodging opponents’ punches. To do this, combine custom gloves with a powerful punch. Surely no opponent will beat you!

In particular, Boxing Stars also supports online fighting. Players can interact with other players around the world. Therefore, this game will never be repetitive. Thanks to its beautiful graphics and easy gameplay, Boxing Stars is suitable for all audiences.


Developer: FourThirty Three

Size: 1.3GB

Appropriate age: Not for children under 12 years old

There are elements of mild violence

Suitable platform: iOS and Android

Download for free


Here are some significant features that can easily make any gamer enjoy:

Flexible Movement Modes and Diverse Controls

When you first access the game, you will be observed and follow the instructions in the boxing match of the heavy boxers The Grave and Joe the King. This guide will help you understand some basic movements such as Hook, Dodge, keep the body in balance, and some other typical movements in this sport.

Boxing Stars has fairly simple control. Every time a player wants to throw a punch, they only need to tab on the target they have already defined. Specify a swap in the direction you want when making a hook, be it right or left. Simply sweep up or sweep down.

This game allows the player to interact more and control. You can make many different movements to unleash your creativity during the fight. No limit so happy!

Defeat All Opponents to The Title of Boxing Star World Champion

The story of Star Boxing is simple and easy to understand. This game belongs to the category of simulation combined with sports. When you first enter the game, you will be transformed into a newbie in the boxing world. Your mission is to become a champion.

Emma – the strict manager – will be your companion on this hard road. There will be guides to beginners so players can get used to the interface of the game.

You can choose the character according to your liking. Boxing Stars has 3 typical body types and one of them will surely satisfy you. One thing to tell you is to choose the largest body to defeat the opponent easily!

After you have selected the appearance of the character, you will advance to the interface of the game to start your journey. The interface of this application is user friendly. The left corner of the screen is a task list, with Emma’s face in the small circle next to it. It was followed by a character ranking compared to other boxing fighters.

Every time we win the Fashion Alliance, we will receive 4 awards. If you want to select Story mode, look to the left corner. The support items are arranged on the right.

Attractive when Boxing Stars have two game modes for you to choose: Story mode and Alliance mode. When choosing the Story mode, your character will experience an exciting career journey. You will turn from an amateur boxer to become the head of boxing. This mode requires you to compete with other given characters to rank yourself.

League mode allows you to challenge players everywhere. The system will randomly select your opponent. If you win, the rewards from the League mode will be attractive. These are accessories that can enhance the power of the character you are playing. Alliance mode has 7 levels from easy to difficult.

To become Real Steel Boxing Champions, players will have to go through many challenges. But trust me, this is well worth it! To succeed, everyone must go through hardships.

Train Perseverance to Get Stronger

In Boxing Stars, besides two game modes, players can upgrade their character’s power with several built-in features. Training will be the place where you find full personality and additional boxing skills.

Here, you have to use training points to exchange skillsets and upgrade your character’s stats. If you want to keep the character’s state in balance, use protective gloves. Consider which items are not needed to upgrade this important item.

An interesting thing in this game is the appearance of sponsors. They will be your financial sponsors in the course of your competition. The bigger the sponsor, the more money you have.

Interface and Graphics

Are some attractive features above enough to attract you? I think so! Now, let me find out and review the graphics and some of Boxing Stars’ top elements!


The Characters

At the beginning of the game, the given character will appear in simple clothes and optional gloves. There are three types of characters to choose from, but don’t worry if you make the wrong choice.

You can completely customize it after entering the game. The graphics of this game are quite eye-catching as everything is in 3D. Players can also freely give their character any costume to wear. Moreover, after each victory, you will receive extra clothes.

Opponents in Games

The system characters in Story mode also have lifelike and realistic movements. The manufacturer has staged them according to the script during the fight.

At first, you can easily win, but the later the level of difficulty increases gradually. However, this is an opportunity for you to improve your boxing so it will be very interesting!

League Mode

As mentioned above, Boxing Stars also has Alliance mode for players who want to try directly against other opponents around the world. Here, everyone will compete against each other to win stars and gold.

Many stars will unlock alternative routes. If you have a lot of gold, you will buy more items to upgrade your character.

In fact, I have tried to play a few matches in this mode and it is not too difficult. However, the match will take place at a faster pace than usual, so please practice smoothly to get used to the moves.

Control Method

Perhaps this part I will not discuss much because the control is quite easy. Although the control mechanism will have to use the entire screen of the phone, you will be flexible with it. Remember, swipe to punch, move nimbly to avoid and defend.

Table of Options

When you first started Boxing Stars, you might find it a bit confusing because the menu of the game is a bit messy. But do not worry, I’m sure that after just a few taps you have memorized the menu of this game.

The menu isn’t too bad, and if you’re used to it, you’ll find it quite clear and detailed. Every feature in the game appears here. This is very convenient and helps the player a lot.


I have to assert one thing that the more eye-catching graphics are, the more people are attracted to it. This is true, right?

Pay Attention to Every Little Detail

When it comes to graphics of Boxing Stars, I will give it 5 stars. Developers design the characters in the game are quite diverse with distinct style styles. And as I said above, your character will also have a distinct character.

The graphic trend of Boxing Stars is more about animation than reality. They are both like caricatures (because of the head and big eyes) and create an actual feeling thanks to 3D. However, the FourThirty Three has designed such that the expressions and muscles of each character are authentic and accented. If you feel like a true boxer, it’s not too surprising.

In particular, Boxing Stars has many contexts when you fight, not just a boring single place. It could be the street where you practice sports or at the house, you live in.

Animated Animation

I appreciate the perfection of the Boxing Stars animation. The characters are lifelike and move smoothly. Most impressive is the fight of the boxers. The moving effect when they fight looks amazing. Believe me, that’s fascinating!

Besides, the easy-to-understand instruction panel will help you control and launch the most accurate punches. Players will not feel confused and do not know what they are doing.

Although it may take some time to get used to the game at first, this will also help you train perseverance and flexibility. You need to know how to combine the elements to win. Just after 2 or 3 matches, I’m sure you will master it.

Merits and Drawbacks


Overall, Boxing Stars is a game worth a try. It is not only free but also highly entertaining. The instructions are detailed and complete to support you so you can defeat formidable opponents.

Boxing Stars will help boxing enthusiasts fulfill their wishes. You can play it anywhere. Simple custom with nice graphics is another plus point for this game.

Each match will have different background settings to not bring boredom. Two parallel game modes allow you to change often.


Although you can download this game for free, progressing to the next stages is a bit difficult. If the player rarely upgrades the power and buy valuable items, the opponent will easily defeat the character. If you upgrade, you risk confronting more advanced players.

It is a fact that the strength of the character comes with the time that the player spends to play. But facing stronger opponents will make the promotion process difficult.

Besides several free upgrades, you will have to pay for in-app purchases if you want your character to be even stronger. I feel a little forced to do this. Anyway, if you are a person who likes to face challenges, Boxing Stars will not let you down.

Final Thoughts

In short, I think Boxing Stars can bring players perfect satisfaction. This game will help you train your reflexes and sharpness. The eye-catching graphics and its logical layout are among the top-rated spots.

Diverse control mechanisms allow players to perform actions in many different variants. PvP mode helps you hone your skills and fight against other opponents. Besides, the Story mode will take you to the life stories of a boxing champion.

At some initial levels, Boxing Stars is particularly interesting. Although the difficulty level is increasing day by day, it is also a challenge for enthusiasts in this sport. Be patient and keep fighting to become stronger and more progressive.

Although Boxing Stars has both merits and drawbacks, every game has such points, right? In my opinion, this virtual interactive app is worth a try, especially for those taking part in boxing games or love high interactive applications. What are you waiting for, play as a boxing champion now!

복싱 스타 [2.8.1] APK (Mod Money) free for Android-TechReal247

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techreal247.com에서 Android 용 무료 복싱 스타 APK (Mod Money) 다운로드

가입 준비가 되셨습니까? 복싱 스타 경기? 이것은 최신 스포츠 게임입니다. 이 게임은 FourThirtyThree를 개발합니다. INC. 기기는 Android 4.4 이상이어야합니다. 현재이 게임은 Google Play에서 10,000,000 회 이상 다운로드 및 설치되었습니다. 이 게임에 참여하는 플레이어가 증가하고 있습니다. 플레이어는이 게임을 할 때 매우 매력적입니다. 지금이 게임을 발견합시다. 즐기는 것을 잊지 마세요 복싱 스타 안드로이드에 대한 MOD APK 무료 게임 지금. 이 게임을 입력하고 즐기십시오

게임 설명

복싱 스타 스포츠 애호가를위한 복싱 게임입니다. 오래 전인 2018 년에 출시되었지만 그래픽, 게임 플레이, 모든 것이 여전히 매우 매력적이라는 것은 부인할 수 없습니다. 이 게임의 게임 모드는 다양합니다. 상대를 물리 치고 레벨을 올리는 것만이 아닙니다. Boxing Stars에는 다른 권투 선수와 직접 싸울 수있는 스토리 모드, 리그 모드와 같은 다양한 게임 모드가 있습니다.

게임에서 가장 중요한 임무는 토너먼트에서 가장 강해지도록 캐릭터를 훈련시키는 것입니다. 또한 FourThirty Three는 상대방의 펀치를 피하여 방어력을 갖추고 있습니다. 이를 위해 맞춤형 장갑과 강력한 펀치를 결합하십시오. 어떤 상대도 당신을 이길 수 없습니다!

특히, 권투 별 또한 온라인 싸움을 지원합니다. 플레이어는 전 세계의 다른 플레이어와 상호 작용할 수 있습니다. 따라서이 게임은 반복되지 않습니다. 아름다운 그래픽과 쉬운 게임 플레이 덕분에 Boxing Stars는 모든 청중에게 적합합니다.

복싱 스타 게임 특징

강해지기위한 끈기 훈련

In 권투 별, 두 가지 게임 모드 외에도 플레이어는 몇 가지 내장 기능으로 캐릭터의 힘을 업그레이드 할 수 있습니다. 훈련은 완전한 개성과 추가적인 권투 기술을 찾는 곳이 될 것입니다.

여기서 스킬 셋을 교환하고 캐릭터의 통계를 업그레이드하려면 트레이닝 포인트를 사용해야합니다. 캐릭터의 상태를 균형있게 유지하려면 보호 장갑을 사용하십시오. 이 중요한 항목을 업그레이드하는 데 필요하지 않은 항목을 고려하십시오.

이 게임의 또 다른 흥미로운 점은 스폰서의 모습입니다. 그들은 경쟁 과정에서 재정적 후원자가 될 것입니다. 스폰서가 클수록 더 많은 돈이 있습니다.

유연한 이동 모드 및 다양한 제어

게임에 처음 입장하면 두 명의 헤비 복서 The Grave와 Joe the King의 복싱 경기 지침을 관찰하고 따르게됩니다. 이 가이드는 Hook, Dodge, 신체 균형 유지 및이 스포츠의 다른 일반적인 동작과 같은 몇 가지 기본 동작을 이해하는 데 도움이됩니다.

권투 별 상당히 간단한 제어가 있습니다. 플레이어가 펀치를 던지고 싶을 때마다 이미 정의한 목표를 탭하기 만하면됩니다. 후크를 만들 때 원하는 방향으로 스왑을 지정하십시오 (오른쪽 또는 왼쪽). 간단히 위로 또는 아래로 쓸어 내리십시오.

이 게임을 통해 플레이어는 더 많이 상호 작용하고 제어 할 수 있습니다. 전투 중에 창의력을 발휘하기 위해 다양한 움직임을 만들 수 있습니다. 너무 행복합니다!

어떻게 재생?

처음 게임에 들어가면 복싱 세계에서 초보자로 변신합니다. 당신의 임무는 챔피언이되는 것입니다.

엄격한 관리자 인 Emma는이 어려운 길에서 당신의 동반자가 될 것입니다. 초보자를위한 가이드가있어 플레이어가 게임 인터페이스에 익숙해 질 수 있습니다.

취향에 따라 캐릭터를 선택할 수 있습니다. Boxing Stars는 3 가지 전형적인 체형을 가지고 있으며 그중 하나가 반드시 당신을 만족시킬 것입니다. 한 가지 말해야 할 것은 가장 큰 바디를 선택하여 상대를 쉽게 물리 치는 것입니다!

Fashion Alliance에서 우승 할 때마다 4 개의 상을 받게됩니다. 스토리 모드를 선택하려면 왼쪽 모서리를보십시오. 지원 항목은 오른쪽에 배열됩니다.

Boxing Stars에는 스토리 모드와 얼라이언스 모드의 두 가지 게임 모드가 있습니다. 스토리 모드를 선택하면 캐릭터가 흥미 진진한 경력 여행을 경험하게됩니다. 당신은 아마추어 권투 선수에서 권투의 머리가 될 것입니다. 이 모드에서는 자신의 순위를 매기려면 다른 캐릭터와 경쟁해야합니다.

리그 모드를 사용하면 어디에서나 플레이어에게 도전 할 수 있습니다. 시스템은 상대를 무작위로 선택합니다. 승리하면 리그 모드의 보상이 매력적입니다. 플레이하는 캐릭터의 파워를 강화할 수있는 액세서리입니다. 동맹 모드는 쉬운 것부터 어려운 것까지 7 개의 레벨이 있습니다.

완전 무료

콘솔 등급의 다른 Android 게임과는 달리 권투 별 게이머는 무료로 지불하지 않고도 전체 게임을 경험할 수 있습니다. 그래도 게임을 균형 잡히지 않게 만드는 앱 내 구매가 있습니다. 하지만 전반적으로이 게임에서 적극적으로 활동함으로써이를 보완 할 수 있습니다. 어려운 도전을 완료하면 멋진 상품을 받게됩니다.

techreal247.com에서 무료 Mod APK로 즐기십시오.

그러나 게임 내 구매에 신경 쓰이고 이에 대해 뭔가를하고 싶다면이 게임의 모드 버전이 확실히 만족할 것입니다. 기기에 설치하려면 저장소에 Mod APK 파일을 다운로드하기 만하면됩니다. 지침에 따라 게임을 쉽게 설치할 수 있습니다.

새로운 점

버그 수정 및 안정화

일부 게임 교체 제안

실제 복싱 2

강철 분노

Real Cricket ™ 20

[토리버그]Boxing Star V1.9.1 MOD apk 복싱스타 버그판

다운로드는 하단의 링크에서 다운하시면됩니다.

* 안될시 꼭 메일이나 댓글 달아주시면 빠른 시일내에 수정하도록 하겠습니다.


모바일 복싱게임을 한 방에 뒤흔들었다!

통쾌한 타격감부터 유쾌한 캐릭터 그리고 캐주얼한 그래픽까지!

쾌감 폭발 복싱스타! 펀치 한 방으로 세계 최고 복싱스타가 되어 보세요!

#뒷골목 파이터에서 세계 챔피언으로 성장하는 스토리

아마추어 파이터에서부터 세계 최고 복싱스타가 되기까지

그 유쾌한 스토리를 함께 즐겨보세요!

#손끝에서 터지는 통쾌한 타격감!

날카로운 공격은 피하고 완벽한 찬스에서 날리는 카운터 펀치

그 통쾌한 타격감을 온몸으로 느껴보세요!

#스웩이 느껴지는 유쾌하고 캐주얼한 그래픽!

복싱스타만의 스웩 넘치는 그래픽 스타일

유머러스한 캐릭터들과 함께 유쾌함을 나눠보세요!

#승리를 위한 나만의 스킬트리!

최고의 스킬 조합을 찾아 만드는 나만의 펀치 전략

전략적인 스킬로 진정한 복싱스타가 되세요!

#전세계 유저들과 순위를 다투는 리그!

전세계 유저들과의 경쟁

리그에서 세계 최고 챔피언이 되어보세요!

#모두의 부러움을 살 만한 럭셔리 아이템 수집!

초호화 저택과 최신형 스포츠카까지

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공격력 1-1000배 설정

방어력 1-1000배 설정

다운로드(광고 한번씩클릭 꼭해주세요)

안녕하세요 도레의 리뷰월드입니다. 저의 블로그를 찾아주신 모든 분들 감사드립니다.

게임을 좋아하는 모든이들을 블로그, 가장 최신의 자료를 제공 할 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.

아직 타 사이트 만큼 자료는 없지만 가장 빠르게, 가장 폭넓게 자료를 업데이트하려 노력하겠습니다.

저는 타 리뷰도 하지만, 게임리뷰나 게임 관련된 내용, 또는 모드에 대해 중점적으로 업데이트하려고 합니다.

여러분들이 가져주시는 관심만큼 열심히 피드백으로 보답하겠습니다

저의 블로그 자료실은 게임 모드 및 유료어플을 위한 공간입니다. 업데이트 자료 확인을 위해 구독이나, 하루 한번 방문을 하여 확인 해주시거나 댓글을 남겨 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

또한 자료는 항상 검수해서 올리기때문에 안전하고 검증된 파일만을 제공하고 있습니다.

*OBB자료가 포함된 파일을 꼭 OBB파일 설치가이드를 참고 하시어 사용해주세요. 모드가 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다.

그만큼 더욱 열심히 하겠습니다.

그리고 아래에도 말씀드렸지만, 과도한 모드의 사용은 게임의 재미를 해칠뿐더러, 계정 일시정지, 영구정지등

피해를 보실 수 있으니 적당히 사용해주시면 감사하겠습니다. ^^

※광고는 꼭 한번씩 클릭해주세요※


↓↓↓↓ 이곳을 클릭하세요 ↓↓↓↓

이곳을 누르고

링크를 클릭 후 나오는 화면에서 ①로봇이 아닙니다 클릭,

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※주의 : OBB파일이 포함되어 있는 링크는 꼭 OBB파일을 설치해주세요 제대로 작동되지 않을 수 있습니다.


폭파 대비 예비주소.

복싱 스타 [v.3.4.1] APK MOD 안드로이드 무료 다운로드

Boxing Star [3.4.1]에 대한 설명

Boxing Star [3.4.1] 업데이트 날짜 1 월의 월요일 10, 2022 FourThirtyThree Inc.에서 개발 한 Android 용 스포츠입니다.

KO로 가자!

상대방이 별을 보게하십시오!

안녕 키드, 당신은 정상에 도달하고 다음 위대한 복싱 스타가되기 위해 필요한 것이 있다고 생각합니까? 복싱의 세계로 들어가 모든 것을 장악하세요! 낮은 거리의 싸움에서 일어나 세계 챔피언이 되십시오! 맞춤 장갑으로 무장하고 기술을 연마하고 메가 펀치로 노크 아웃하세요! 챔피언은 반지에서 만들어집니다!


▶ 적의 공격을 피하고 완벽한 카운터로 반격하기 위해 딥, 덕, 피하고 짜기!

▶ 스토리 모드에서 전투기가 평범한 거리에서 세계 선수권으로 발전함에 따라 열심히 훈련하십시오!

▶ 권투 세계의 엉뚱하고 거친 캐릭터를 만나고 친구가 되십시오!

▶ 강력한 주문형 장갑을 모아서 강력한 기술 및 장비와 결합하여 자신 만의 전투 스타일을 정의하십시오!

▶ 리그 모드에서 다른 플레이어와 싸워서 최고의 선수임을 증명하세요!

▶ 상금을 사용하여 침대를 포주하고, 매끄러운 채찍을 운전하고, 친구를 질투하게 만드는 측근을 모으고 달콤한 보너스를 제공하십시오!

복싱 스타를 즐기십니까? 게임에 대해 자세히 알아보십시오!

▶ 페이스 북 :

▶ 유튜브 :

복싱 스타의 새로운 기능 [3.4.1]

Boxing Star Mod APK 4.1.2 (Unlimited money, gold) Free Download

Download Boxing Star for Android now to become a knockout legend. Go undefeated against a ton of different and hilarious characters in this all-out boxing spree. Who will come out on top? Who is the most skilled with their fists? There’s only one way for you to find out.

Boxing Star Features

Story Mode: Check out the story of the game and go head-to-head with the cast of wacky and wild boxers. Watch yourself grow from a street boxer, to becoming a national champion.

Test Your Boxing Skills: Practice with all of the different realistic boxing actions and improve your own skills. Throw jabs, crosses, hooks, and uppercuts to reach victory.


Customize: Customize your own boxer and let their story unfold before your very eyes. Set up a look and fighting style for your own personalized character. Additionally, you can equip them with different skills that are exclusive to the Boxing Star game!

Join the Fight Club: Create and join other players in a clan. Prove to everyone in the world which groups of boxers are the most superior.

Access Missions and Events: There are many different daily, weekly, fight club, and league missions to experience. You’ll get a ton of great rewards for completing them.


Do we even need to go over the graphics of the Boxing Star game? Everything looks so cartoony and fun. The graphics and visuals are in 3D, which is appropriate for a sports game.

Regardless of the cartoony look, everything feels natural and addicting. Therefore, players of all ages can pick up and lay Boxing Stars for Android.

On that note, the animations are also smooth. In general, the game has good quality fights and visuals. It’s a treat for both the eyes and the soul.

Boxing Star Mod APK – Unlimited Money & Gold

That being said, there’s an entire roster of competition waiting for you. Punch that download button to get the Boxing Star APK latest version for Android now.

Boxing Star Mod Apk v4.1.2 (Unlimited Money)

Are you searching for any ways to get unlimited money in the Boxing Star game? If yes, then you would love this Boxing Star Mod Apk.

Now enjoy the best action-packed boxing game with special moves and a premium collection of upgraded equipment.

Boxing Star is one of the most popular single-player boxing game that allows the player to enjoy the real experience of boxing with specialized skills. You need to master the art of boxing by learning special moves like smashing jabs, uppercut punch to become the most epic boxing star. Also, you can customize your player using various types of customization options available in the game.

Also Try: Pixel Gun 3D

Boxing Star is a most trending game that comes with lots of premium features like story-mode Battles, amazing touch controls, PvP combat, ultimate Alliance of powerful boxers, and many more.

This game updates regularly and comes with new interesting story modes. But as we know, it becomes harder to upgrade our boxers after reaching certain levels, and we have to purchase some essential items by paying real money to upgrade boxer skills.

To overcome this problem, I am going to share a direct download link of Boxing Star Mod Apk with unlimited money. Keep reading, and I will give you all the useful tips you can use to be a master of the boxing ring.

What is Boxing Star Mod Apk

Boxing Star Mod Apk is a modified (hacked) version of the official Boxing Star game. With which you enjoy all modded features like unlimited money, automatic updates, all characters unlocked, and many others for free.

Also, you will get many extra hidden benefits like unlimited Megapunch and powerful attacks while fighting with your opponent in the league mode.

With Boxing Star mod, you can:

Get unlimited money

Unlock All Skills

Get Unlimited Megapuch

Enjoy the free in-app purchase

Experience high-quality graphics

Get Wide Range of Customization Options

Real-life boxing experience

Boxing Star is a lengthy story mode game where you can battle with other players online from all over the world. The gameplay is all about improving your boxing skills and makes your opponents see the stars in the boxing ring after hitting Mega punch on their faces. Also, you can test your skills in the practice mode before fighting with any other powerful opponent.

There are lots of events and missions that you need to complete to win impressive awards.

One of my favorite features about this game is the Fighting Club, where you can invite your friends and compete with each other to show them your boxing skills. All the moves will be performed on your fingertips which give you the next-level boxing experience of new battle effects.

Features of Boxing Star Mod Apk

Boxing Star comes with creative, original artwork and gorgeous graphics which makes it the most downloaded single-player boxing game in the world.

Below, I had highlighted some features of the Boxing Star Mod apk. If you are a new player and still confused about downloading this premium mod application, then the below features will definitely help you to make a decision.

Unlimited money

Money is everything in the Boxing Star game, which helps us to upgrade all the protective parts of our boxer and buying lots of most essential items like Challenger mouthguard, Pro-Max protector and many other items.

So in Boxing Star Mod Apk, you will get unlimited money which you can use it to buy anything without any limitations.

One hit kill

This is the most helpful feature of the modified boxing Star game. With the help of this feature, you can beat your opponent in just one hit. You don’t need to enable this feature because we fully modified this application in such a way so that this feature gets started automatically.

Unlimited health

This is my favorite feature of the Boxing Star Mod Apk. As we know, health plays a vital role in this game. In this mod, you will get unlimited health due to which you can win each game.

This feature will get automatically enabled when your boxer health bar is depleting.

Free shopping

There are lots of premium items that are locked in this game that requires the in-app purchase to access them. But with the help of this mod, you can buy anything from the game store without paying a single penny.

Various game equipment, weapons and skills can be bought using this feature.

Unlimited gold

Gold is the premium currency of boxing star game which helps us to increase the uppercut speed of legendary gloves, changing the value of gear, buying boxes, and many other things.

So only for you my friends, we shared Boxing star Mod APK in which you will get unlimited money, and you can use it anywhere without any restrictions in the game.

Some more features

Fantastic graphics

Smooth Gameplay

Unlimited Megapunch

Daily Rewards

Challenging Missions

Boxing Star Mod Gameplay

How To Download And Install Boxing Star Mod Apk On Android

Downloading any modded game from Thinkkers is a straight forward task. Anyone who has a little bit of knowledge about android can easily download and install it on their device without spending a single penny.

If you are new on Thinkkers and don’t know how to download paid applications for free, then you can follow the below guide. I am writing this guide from a newbies perspective so that anyone can easily understand it.

Step 1: First of all, click on the above ‘Go To Download Page’ button. After that, you will redirect to the Boxing Star mod download page.

Step 2: Now, get your application by clicking the ‘Start Download’ button. Your download will start in a few seconds.

Step 3: After downloading the game, head towards to File Manager and open your downloaded Boxing Star v3.0.2.apk file. If you are installing an application from File Manager for the first time, then it may ask you for some permissions.

Step 4: Allow all the required permissions by clicking the ‘Settings’ option.

Step 5: After allowing the permissions, press the back button, and again try to install the apk file. This time, it will install without any error.

Note: You must have to uninstall any previously installed version of the Boxing Star game before installing this paid version. Otherwise, you may face an installation failed error.

Also, if you are getting redirect to the OneDrive page, then try to download it from the Google Chrome browser.

People Also Ask (FAQs)

Guys, I know there are lots of queries running in your mind related to this incredible Boxing Game. So below, I have answered all the commonly asked queries related to Boxing Star Mod Apk.

If you think I didn’t pick up your question or if you have any queries regarding this modded Boxing Star game, then you can comment down. I would love to solve your queries.

Is it safe to use this Mod Apk?

Yes, it is 100% safe to use Boxing Star Mod Apk in any android device. As I always said, any modded application that I shared on Thinkkers is first tested by our experts and various types of premium antivirus. So, you can play this game without worrying about your privacy and security.

What will I get in this mod apk?

We had unlocked all the premium items that I will help you to fight against powerful players.

For detailed information, you can check out the following list.

Unlimited Money

One Hit Kill

Free In-game purchase

Variety of Customization Options

Regular Updates

How can I play with my friends in this game?

You need to log in with the same account in which you are connected with your friends in the game. Now go to the multiplayer mode and search your friend nickname and click on the Fight Now button appearing near the name of your friend.

Can I use this mod for a lifetime?

Yes, you can use boxing star mod apk for a lifetime, but we regularly enhance the modded features. So don’t forget to bookmark our website on your browser for regular updates.

Which version of the mod is this?

As always, I had shared the latest version of Boxing star mod apk, i.e., v3.4.1, the same as the play store’s version.

Wrapping It Up

So, that’s it, guys. I hope you got the latest and working Boxing Star Mod Apk 2022 with all modded features unlocked. Now, win any boxing battle and be a conqueror of the boxing ring.

With this modded version of the game, you can use any premium features without spending a single penny.

If you like this mod version of the game, then don’t forget to share it with your friends. Also, if you have any queries regarding this Boxing Star mod, then comment down. I would love to solve all of your queries.

Boxing Star 안드로이드

모바일 복싱게임을 한 방에 뒤흔들었다!통쾌한 타격감부터 유쾌한 캐릭터 그리고 캐주얼한 그래픽까지!쾌감 폭발 복싱스타! 펀치 한 방으로 세계 최고 복싱스타가 되어 보세요!#뒷골목 파이터에서 세계 챔피언으로 성장하는 스토리아마추어 파이터에서부터 세계 최고 복싱스타가 되기까지그 유쾌한 스토리를 함께 즐겨보세요!#손끝에서 터지는 통쾌한 타격감!날카로운 공격은 피하고 완벽한 찬스에서 날리는 카운터 펀치그 통쾌한 타격감을 온몸으로 느껴보세요!#스웩이 느껴지는 유쾌하고 캐주얼한 그래픽!복싱스타만의 스웩 넘치는 그래픽 스타일유머러스한 캐릭터들과 함께 유쾌함을 나눠보세요!#승리를 위한 나만의 스킬트리!최고의 스킬 조합을 찾아 만드는 나만의 펀치 전략전략적인 스킬로 진정한 복싱스타가 되세요!#전세계 유저들과 순위를 다투는 리그!전세계 유저들과의 경쟁리그에서 세계 최고 챔피언이 되어보세요!#모두의 부러움을 살 만한 럭셔리 아이템 수집!초호화 저택과 최신형 스포츠카까지복싱 챔피언이 되어 럭셔리 아이템들을 수집해보세요!자! 이제 세상에 한 방 날릴 준비 되셨나요?복싱스타에 대해 더 알고 싶다면?▶공식카페:* 접근 권한 안내* 안드로이드 6.0 이상 폰에서는 게임 이용시 접근 권한 승인이 필요합니다.[필수적 접근 권한]은 거부 시 게임 이용이 불가능 합니다.[선택적 접근 권한]은 거부 해도 게임 실행이 가능 합니다.사진, 미디어, 파일 액세스 (필수적 접근 권한)이 권한은 게임 설치 및 게임 내 ‘포토매치’, ‘홈화면 공유하기’ 콘텐츠를 이용하기 위해 사용하는 권한입니다. 권한을 허용하면 게임 설치 및 ‘포토매치’, ‘홈화면 공유하기’ 콘텐츠를 이용하실 수 있습니다.* 추후 변경을 원할 시 설정 > 애플리케이션 관리 > 권한에서 권한 변경이 가능합니다.—-개발자 연락처 :고객센터 : 02-1566-4340E-mail : [email protected]

Boxing Star 4.1.2 APK + OBB

We provide Boxing Star 4.1.2 APK + OBB file for Android 4.0+ and up. Boxing Star is a free Sports game. It’s easy to download and install to your mobile phone.

Please be aware that ApkSOS only share the original and free pure apk installer for Boxing Star 4.1.2 APK + OBB without any modifications.

The average rating is 4.50 out of 5 stars on playstore. If you want to know more about Boxing Star then you may visit FourThirtyThree Inc. support center for more information

All the apps & games here are for home or personal use only. If any apk download infringes your copyright, please contact us. Boxing Star is the property and trademark from the developer FourThirtyThree Inc..

Pack Some Action and Knock’em Out!

A Mobile Boxing Experience on a Whole New Level.

Honor, power and wealth–they say you can’t have it all. But hey kid, they’re all lying. Enter the world of Boxing, and you can seize it all. Rise from the dirty streets and reach the exalted World Championships. Arm yourself with custom gloves, hone your killer moves and Knock’em Out with a Mega Punch! Win glorious trophies and even more glorious cash. Majestic mansions and slick rides will make your friends jealous, in addition to giving you powerful bonuses! Believe me, all this greatness is just within your grasp.

Now kid, show the World who the real Boxing Star is.


▶ Dodge your opponent’s attacks, and throw the perfect counter!

▶ Watch your fighter evolve from an amateur to a Boxing Star in Story Mode!

▶ Meet countless colorful characters!

▶ Find the best combination of various skills and items fitting your fighting style!

▶ Collect and equip powerful gloves that unlock vicious Mega punches!

▶ Spend like a winner with the spoils and show off your riches on social media!

Enjoying Boxing Star? Learn more about the game!


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